Aquarius Spectrum has launched a new analysis engine
Published on by Trudi Schifter, CEO and Founder AquaSPE in Case Studies
Aquarius Spectrum launched a new analysis engine which adds great value to our customers through
improved analysis process and additional significant insights such as:
Ability to detect multiple Leaks between 2 sensors. This strong feature will overcome the noise of
pumps and other sources of
noise that normally mask
leak noises.
Improved UI that presents
more valuable data in the
alerts tab which reduces the
need to navigate to other
A new indication for fast
growing or fast declining leaks.
New and dynamic graphs with zoom-in capabilities. The graphs include data hints information and
are automatically connected to the selected ‘units’ methodology.
Improved Audio panel which includes the ability to listen and download the sampled audio.
- Analysis & Visualization
- Data & Analysis