How American Water Works Is Rebuilding U.S. Water Infrastructure

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How American Water Works Is Rebuilding U.S. Water Infrastructure

Susan Story, chief executive officer at American Water Works, discusses the company’s efforts to upgrade U.S. water infrastructure and catching contaminants in water supplies. She speaks with Bloomberg’s David Westin on "Bloomberg Daybreak: Americas." (Source: Bloomberg)

Infrastructure for water and wastewater is coming to end of life. Thee is a huge need for the upgrading of these facilities. 

American Water 1.7 billion will be invested by us in the next year plus 200million in aquisitions. Some of this investment will be passed on to the rate payers. 

There is an increased need for need for investment due to risk, growth and chemical contamination. There were in the last 10 years six 100 year floods, we are now building to withstand 500 year events.

How big of an issue are 144 million chemicals registered globally. The EPA regulated 100 of them we have 15 scientists, do predictive models. to stop events before they happen. We need to find solutions and do more research.

28% of stock is owned by international investors because high ESG rating registered utilities are in high demand.

Investor owned water companies in the US number 8 companies  of which American Water is twice the size of the next largest competitor. Investor owned utilities represent 15% of the water and 2% of waste water (means  municipal is 85% of water and 98% of drinking water).  




