Improving Post-Relocation Support for People Resettled by Infrastructure Development
Published on by Guoqing Shi in Academic
Lagging other components, project-induced resettlement rarely, if ever, is completed after
those resettled are compensated and replacement infrastructure handed-over. Initiating liveli
hood restoration programs may jumpstart but fall short of re-articulating dismantled local
economies. Successful resettlement requires pre- and post-relocation actions that will help
resellers and their hosts re-articulate new routine social and economic arrangements and
improve their well-being. This Special Issue examines the distinct challenges of the post
relocation phase of resettlement. During this phase, the resettlement burdens shift from the
relocation project to the resettlers, their hosts, and third parties; from individual to collective
issues; and from mitigation to development. For decades, China has experienced with a variety
of long-term, post-relocation policies, programs and methodologies. The contributors provide
a glimpse of an extensive toolkit being crafted for use in this localized context-defined phase.
Some are transferable. Others are not. Post-relocation support (PReS) adds value to improving
the likelihood of successful outcomes.
- Humanitarian
- Human Rights
- Dams
- humanitarian entrepreneur