Irish Company ​Launches ​Eco-friendly System ​to Revolutionize Tertiary Wastewater Treatment (Video)

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Irish Company ​Launches ​Eco-friendly System ​to Revolutionize Tertiary Wastewater Treatment (Video)

Ireland Waste Water (IWW) owned by Mary and Niall Mulcahy launched product to revolutionize wastewater treatment in Ireland and across Europe.

Circle7 Tertiary Treatment System is an innovative invention that will purify wastewater in homes, schools, factories, and businesses throughout rural Ireland to a higher standard than what’s currently achievable, saving them thousands of Euro in the process. It reimagines the traditional flawed septic tank process which, when not managed correctly, is a risk for contaminating the land and the water system. Circle 7 provides a new system to treat wastewater by taking household waste, percolating it using an advanced filtration system and bringing it to a near drinking water standard.

Learn more about Circle 7 on IWW's website.

Video source: Ireland Waste Water on YouTube

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