Explore the World of PFAS With Dr. Carol KwiatkowskiDr. Carol Kwiatkowski, Vice President of Research at Million Marker and Adjunct Assistant Pr...

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Explore the World of PFAS With Dr. Carol KwiatkowskiDr. Carol Kwiatkowski, Vice President of Research at Million Marker and Adjunct Assistant Pr...
Explore the World of PFAS With Dr. Carol Kwiatkowski
Dr. Carol Kwiatkowski, Vice President of Research at Million Marker and Adjunct Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University, works to identify products that contain hormone-disrupting chemicals, including per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, commonly known as PFAS. These PFAS compounds are widely used and persist in the environment and the human body for extended periods. Her work focuses on detecting these substances and providing solutions to minimize harmful exposure.

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