P3 involves a public agency partnering with a private entity on a project. A twist on the traditional public-private partnership puts the commun...

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P3 involves a public agency partnering with a private entity on a project. A twist on the traditional public-private partnership puts the commun...
P3 involves a public agency partnering with a private entity on a project. A twist on the traditional public-private partnership puts the community first and focuses on its challenges and opportunities.

This approach works particularly well with green infrastructure, as discussed in this episode with Dominique Lueckenhoff, a former water official for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and a Senior Fellow at the US Water Alliance.

Dominique talks about the creation of community based P3s to advance green infrastructure as part of the Chesapeake Bay TMDL, beginning in Prince George’s County, Maryland. She also explains how Chester, Pennsylvania used the formula to establish a stormwater utility.

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