International Conference on Managing Legionella in Building Water Systems, May 9-11, 2018 Legionellosis is now the most significant waterborne disease in the USA and probably the developed world. It is a risk from exposure to aerosols associated with potentially any plumbed water supply, especially in hospitals and health care facilities, but also hotels and other buildings, cooling towers, and even spas. It accounts for 2/3 of waterborne disease outbreaks in the USA and it is the only cause of reported outbreak deaths in recent years. It is a major systemic water related problem that needs to be managed.NSF International and I are presenting a comprehensive international Conference entitled : Managing Legionella and other Pathogenic Microorganisms in Building Water Systems. Sponsors include the US National Science Foundation, American Water Works Association, Water Research Foundation, the Association of State Drinking Water Administrators, American Chemistry Council, Idexx, Pall, and numerous other interested organizations. Participants will include US Centers for Disease Control, USEPA, Veterans Administration, International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, Association of State Drinking Water Administrators, universities, service providers, and numerous others. The Conference has a very practical and technical orientation, and it will also address regulatory issues. Its goal is to reduce health risks and deaths from regrowth microorganisms by providing detailed practical information from experienced speakers to assist facilities, practitioners and regulators regarding effective operations and techniques for controlling legionella colonization of facilities. The conference includes renowned experts in all facets of the problem and makes use of case studies from actual experience. In addition to the conference, there will be 3 follow-up webinars and published proceedings, so that a permanent reference work will be provided to the largest possible audience that can benefit from its information and recommendations. The 2 day conference will be in Baltimore, Maryland, USA on May 9-11, 2018. Examples of speakers include: Rita Colwell (U Maryland), Martin Exner (Bonn Germany Hospitals), Mark Lechevallier (Dr.Water), Michael Beach (CDC), Nicholas Ashbolt (U Alberta), Michele Prevost (U Montreal), Charles Haas (Drexel U), Peter Grevatt (EPA), Amy Pruden (VPI), Jennifer Clancy (ESPRI), Janet Stout (Sp. Pathogens Lab) and many others.Details are available at Legionella2018.orgOr contact me at ; 1 202 362 3076Joseph Cotruvo, PhD, BCES