This paper of mine, published 2 years ago, has captured the attention of tens of thousands of academicians, research scientists, engineers, poli...

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This paper of mine, published 2 years ago, has captured the attention of tens of thousands of academicians, research scientists, engineers, poli...
This paper of mine, published 2 years ago, has captured the attention of tens of thousands of academicians, research scientists, engineers, policy- and strategy makers, CEOs, and other professionals, worldwide. It has been cited, so far, in 73 published research works, including journal articles, chapters in books, books, conference presentations, Doctorate Dissertations, and Master Theses.

Please cite it as follows:

Salem HS, Pudza MY, Yihdego Y (2022). Water strategies and water–food Nexus: Challenges and opportunities towards sustainable development in various regions of the world**. Sustainable Water Resources Management, (2022) 8:114, 54p.

**[Including the Gulf Corporation Council’s Countries, Central Asia Countries and the Caucasus, China, Africa, and Canada.]