Design and Construction of Water Courses - Guidelines (Issue of new IS 16472 :2016)
Published on by Yogesh Agrawal, Director (retired), Minor irrigation schemes, Water Resources Department at Govt of Rajasthan in Government
Above cited draft IS code was submitted by me, to the Bureau of Indian Standard, as Director Minor Irrigation Schemes Jaipur in year 2003.
After great efforts for 13 years, by me personally as a member of WRD 13 committee in my personal capacity, it has now been approved and issued as IS 16472:2016 - DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF WATER COURSES - GUIDELINES.
My next effort is that the Govt. of India, state governments and Central Water Commission include CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF WATER COURSES (FIELD CHANNELS) as part of the project reports of the DAM AND CANAL PROJECTS inclusive of the cost of water courses.
This will highly increase WATER USE EFFICIENCY of the surface water irrigation projects.
- Water
- Agriculture
- Best Management Practices
- Irrigation
- India