Centre for Human Rights & Social Welfare working for advocacy for save the Ablution water ( WUDU water) is the water used in the ritual of ablut...

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Centre for Human Rights & Social Welfare working for advocacy for save the Ablution water ( WUDU water) is the water used in the ritual of ablut...
Centre for Human Rights & Social Welfare working for advocacy for save the Ablution water ( WUDU water) is the water used in the ritual of ablution, which is a washing of the body or parts of the body as part of a religious rite. Ablution is also known as "wudu" in Islam, where it is a purification ritual performed before prayers
Wudu is an Islamic ritual that involves washing certain parts of the body with water before performing prayers or reading the Quran. The water used in this ritual is called wudu water.

Here are some things to know about wudu water:

Amount of water used
According to a Hadith from Bukhari and Muslim, the Prophet Muhammad used one "Mudd" of water for wudu, which is about 0.544 liters. However, some studies have measured that people use between 2.5–4.5 liters of water for wudu.

A close-loop system can be designed to collect and reuse wudu water for non-potable applications.

If there is a scarcity of water, or if someone has a skin condition that makes water harmful, they can perform tayammum instead of wudu. Tayammum is also known as "dry ablution" and uses clean sand instead of water.
we are aware to --We are making all the community aware to save water and putting pressure on the government to make water policy for religious places

