KERASIEV® Ceramic membrane for Primary Brine Refining Process

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KERASIEV® Ceramic membrane for Primary Brine Refining Process

The dissolved salt (seawater) after reaction at elevated temperature transforms Mg2+ and Ca2+ into sediments Mg(OH)2 and CaCO3. Other organic solids like alga, humic acid will be decomposed to small fragments by the administered oxidant. All those impurities have micron particle size along with fibres and sand to be removed by precoat filter (or other polymer filter/clarifier). 

This old, slow and inefficient process may be replaced by the 3rd generation better-faster and effective KERASIEV® ceramic membrane technology.

KERASIEV® ceramic membrane technology is suitable for rock salt, refined salt, sea salt, crude salt and brine, even for those salt with higher Mg++ than Ca++.

Advantage of KERASIEV® ceramic membrane technology:

1.   The out let stream in terms of SS is of high purity (less then 0.5mg/l) and NTU less than 1.

2.   Since KERASIEV® ceramic membrane technology is utilization cross flow filtration technique, it is highly flexible with respect to solids in feed huge surge. Better than conventional pre-coat filter

3.   KERASIEV® ceramic membrane is 3rd generation membrane due to its high thermal, chemical, mechanical and high durability. With water purification application it has a life of more than 15 years.

4.   Since KERASIEV® ceramic membrane technology is utilization cross flow filtration technique, it is a self cleaning process. (please refer cross flow filtration technique)

5.   Less chemical consumption and low labour cost; 25% low OPEX cost.

6.   70% less foot print, simple process reduces equipment investment by 30-40% compared with traditional primary refining processes.

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