Guidelines for Medium, Major and Multipurpose Irrigation Projects
Published on by Yogesh Agrawal, Director (retired), Minor irrigation schemes, Water Resources Department at Govt of Rajasthan
The Water Resources Department, Government of Rajasthan, in year 2002 approved the "Guidelines for Minor Irrigation Projects" prepared and finalized by a committee under my chairmanship. The guidelines contain 47 pages and the topics dealt with are as below
1. Feasibility Report of Chainpura Minor Irrigation Project 2. Hydrology 3. Data Required for Design of Minor Irrigation Projects 4. Preparation of Cost Estimates 5. Soil Properties and their influence on design of dams 6. Design of small earth dams 7. Design of Spillway 8. Design of canal 9. Design and Construction of Water Courses
These Guidelines are available at the web site of WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF RAJASTHAN as M.I.P. Guidelines at . Anybody can approach the website and use the guidelines.
Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India and Central Water Commission may like to prepare and make available on their web sites; "Guidelines for preparation of Medium, major and Multipurpose irrigation Projects" to enable the field engineers to prepare the Draft Project Reports accordingly and get the Draft project reports accepted by the Government at the earliest. As if now, the position is that Draft Project Reports, in some cases, are not approved even after more than ten years of their submission. Going one step further the suggested guidelines may contain a solved example of a Project Report approved by the Government of India and Central Water Commission. This will be a great help to the engineers who initiate the preparation of Draft project Report. This will help the MOWR, GOI and CWC to approve the DPR at a very fast rate, as it will have minimum mistakes.
- Water
- India