Call for papers on "Sustainable Energy Supply and Sustainable Product Innovation"
Published on by Kiran Pereira in Academic
It seems like there's a lot of research happening on the topic of sustainable energy in Poland. Here's another call for papers for those interested.
Dear colleagues,
Please find attached the call for papers for the 14th international conference on "Sustainable Energy Supply and Sustainable Product Innovation", to be held in Opole (Poland) on26-28 June 2014.
Please feel free to forward the call for papers.
Best regards,
Joost Platje
Prof. UO dr hab. Joost Platje Opole University, Faculty of Economics ul. Ozimska 46a 45-058 Opole, Poland e-mail: tel.: +48-600-521110

Sustainability issues have become so common in many fields of socio-, political- and economic life, that it is often forgotten that it requires newapproaches, and a change in rules guiding human activity, ways of thinking and governance structures. There exists the need to understand the
interactions in institutional change between socio-economic systems, technology, product innovation and a transition path towards more
sustainable production structures and energy supply.In the context of the continuous increase in demand for energy, the challenges in climate change and socio-economic development, different policyoptions need to be taken into consideration. A first approach is reducing consumption in general (de-growth-ideology), which may cause problemsdue to the existing paradigm of growth. The other approach, which is technology-optimistic, seeks for the technological fix to sustainabilityproblems. While the first approach is questioning life styles, ways of consumption and growth-oriented economies, the second is focusing ontechnological changes not questioning the current trends in development of the global economy. However, both approaches are depending oninnovations and transitions though on different levels, i.e. (i) the process and product (micro-) level, (ii) the strategic management (meso-) level and (iii) the systems-level (macro-level). The general aims of the conference are to discuss and analyse:
- Transitions to innovative sustainable systems of energy supply.
- Can sustainability be a driver for innovations in energy supply as well as energy and material efficiency in the supply chain?
- Which kind of business models and supply chain management schemes are needed to foster successful sustainability innovations and increasingenergy efficiency?
- Responsibility and innovation for sustainable development - producer responsibility, consumer responsibility, NGO responsibility, stateresponsibility.
- Multilevel governance, sustainable energy provision, globalizing supply chains and sustainability innovation.
- Trade-offs between energy supply and climate change policy.
- Lying & cheating in sustainability innovation. How to assess the sustainability of innovations.
We invite papers and posters of researchers from disciplines involved in issues of sustainable energy provision, innovation, governance andsustainable development, e.g. economics, geography, environmental sciences, natural sciences, legal sciences, social sciences. Papers, afterpositive review, are considered for publication in "Economic and Environmental Studies" ( - 6 points on the Polish Ministeriallist).
Scholars wishing to give a presentation at the conference are kindly asked to submit an abstract of their paper in advance. The abstract should bewritten in English and should point out the general interest of the paper to be presented touching the above named issues. The abstract shouldinclude the following details: (1) title of the presentation, (2) name of the authors, organisation, email-address, mailing-address, phone number, (3)keywords, (4) body text (max. 250 words), (5) an approx. 80-word biography on the scientific/educational background of the author(s). Please register and submit the abstract not later than 31 March 2014.
Confirmation of acceptance of abstracts 14 April 2014 (latest).
Full papers are expected by 1 June 2014.
The conference fee is PLN 600 (150 euro for non-Polish participants). PhD students - PLN 400 (100 euro). Other students (BA, MA) PLN 300 (75
euro). This fee covers food, refreshments and conference materials. Accommodation can be arranged separately, based on individual preferences.
Please contact the organiser on this issue.
The fee should be paid by 1 May 2014 into the following account belonging to Opole University:
Opole University, Plac Kopernika 11a, 45-040 Opole, Poland
Bank: Bank Zachodni WBK S.A. 1 Oddz. Opole, ul. Ozimska 6, 45-057 Opole, Poland
Swift Code (for foreign transfers): WBKPPLPP
Bank account: (PL09) 1090 2138 0000 0005 5600 0043
Reference: Sustainable Development
When resigning from participation, conference fee may be refunded after distraction of organisational costs made (20% of the fee).
After 1 June 2013, refund will not be possible in case of resignation.
For more information, please contact the conference organizer.
If you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact
Joost Platje - fax (+-48-77-40 16 901), telephone (+-48- (0) 600-521110), e-mail (
Yours sincerely,
Scientific Board,
Prof. Joachim Ahrens (PFH, Göttingen, Germany)
Dr. Eckhard Burkatzki (IHI, Zittau, Germany)
Prof. Adnan Deðirmencioðlu (Ege University, Izmir, Turkey)
Prof. Bernd Delakowitz (Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Germany)
Prof. Duncan C. McDougall (Plymouth State University, USA)
Prof. Herman Hoen (RUG, Groningen, The Netherlands)
Dr. Jarl Kampen (Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
Prof. Fehmi Karasioðlu (Selçuk University, Turkey)
Prof. Mariusz Kistowski (Gdañsk University, Poland)
Dr. Karol Kociszewski (Wroc³aw University of Economics, Poland)
Prof. Walter Leal Filho (HAWH, Hamburg, Germany)
Prof. Albert Löhr (IHI, Zittau, Germany)
Prof. Krzysztof Malik (Opole University of Technology, Poland)
Prof. Joost Platje (Opole University, Poland)
Prof. Leszek Preisner (AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland)
Prof. Janusz S³odczyk (Opole University, Poland)
Prof. Ralph Wrobel (West Saxon University of Applied Science, Germany)
The organisation committee,
Dr. Bartosz Fortuñski (UO, Opole)
Mateusz Musia³ (UO, Opole)
Dr. Monika Paradowska (UO, Opole)
Prof. Joost Platje (UO, Opole)
Eng. Sebastian Marcinkowski (UO, Opole)
Dr. Robert Poskart (UO, Opole)
Prof. Janusz S³odczyk (UO, Opole)
DI Markus Will (Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz)
oikos Opole, Student Scientific Circle on SD (UO, Opole)
Opole University, Faculty of Economics
ul. Ozimska 46a; 45-058 Opole, Poland
tel. / fax: +-48-77-40 16 901