Turbine ​Harvests ​Green Energy Even in Slow ​Water Currents

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Turbine ​Harvests ​Green Energy Even in Slow ​Water Currents

Waterotor Energy Technologies has designed a water turbine which can harvest energy in slow moving water.


Waterotor Energy Technologies Inc. has developed and demonstrated a unique technology for cost effective continuous sustainable renewable electrical energy. 

Waterotor is a proprietary hydrokinetic device that economically generates electrical power from slow moving ocean currents, waterways, rivers, and streams.

It is a high reliability, low maintenance device that can operate for very long periods without the need for an operator, maintenance, and without incremental operating costs. It operates at flow speeds as low as 0.8 m/sec (1.8 mi/hr) with a high efficiency and low cost output, which is far below existing hydro generators. 

Waterotor enables continuous generation of electrical energy with low environmental impact.

Source: Waterotor and Business Insider

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