PepsiCo wins award for stewardship of India’s water For beverage company PepsiCo, operating in India means not only using water but also f...

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PepsiCo wins award for stewardship of India’s water For beverage company PepsiCo, operating in India means not only using water but also f...
PepsiCo wins award for stewardship of India’s water For beverage company PepsiCo, operating in India means not only using water but also finding ways to replenish it. According to the World Resources Institute, India is the 13th most water-stressed country in the world. PepsiCo India, in response, is taking a lead role in water conservation. Under its Sustainable Water Resource Development and Management Program, the company has replenished more than 5 billion liters of water through the renovation of water-storage tanks and the recharging of ground wells. These actions have benefited 60,000 community members. In recognition of PepsiCo’s commitment to sustainability, the multinational company has been awarded the 2019 Secretary of State’s Award for Corporate Excellence (ACE) in the sustainable operations category. Agilis Partners is the small- and medium-enterprise winner in the same category. Established in 1999, the ACE recognizes U.S. companies that uphold high standards in the communities where they do business and demonstrate that sustainability can drive prosperity in the modern economy. As Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo has said of U.S. companies, “the great theme of our engagement is this: Where America goes, we seek partnership, not domination.” SOURCE

