I am pleased to share that the #GuidelinesforimplementingWetland(#ConservationandManagement)Rules2017 is uploaded on MoEF&CC website. It rightly...
Published on by Dr. Arvind Kumar, India Water Foundation - President
I pay my sincere gratitude to my fellow experts and members of ‘#NationalWetlandsCommittee, #MoEFCC,GOI and #MsManjuPandey,JointSecretary,MoEF&CC,GOI & other officials for building a consensus to bring these guidelines to fruition.
Successful #Integrated implementation is now contingent upon whole-hearted involvement of the #StateGovernments, #policymakers and I am sure benefits accruing from these shall take care of #EcoSystemServices, spearheading a #NewIndia by2022 and realize #SDGs2030 since it’s the #DecadeforAction’.
Link for the guidelines: http://moef.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/final-version-and-printed-wetland-guidelines-rules-2017-03.01.20.pdf