Published on by Vivek Kumar, Secretary General at Meghalaya Futurity Society in Academic
and odourless, but is generally found in impure state. Water found in oceans, rivers, lakes and ponds
appear of different colour. Suspended and dissolved particles influence the colour of water. Freshwater
bodies sometime appear turquoise (blue-green) and bright sky-blue and catches the attention of people.
Turquoise and bright sky-blue appearing freshwater bodies are found in different parts of the world in
different set of environmental conditions. For example, glacial-fed lakes also appear turquoise, crater
lakes also bears turquoise colour and calcium carbonate rich water bodies also appear turquoise. Recently,rivers polluted by anthropogenic activities are also seen to bear turquoise color appearance. The turquoise appearance of water bodies is mainly due to the scattering of light in the blue-green range of the spectrum by suspended particles present in the water. There is diversity in the causal factor(s) responsible for such coloration in different set of conditions, but turquoise freshwater bodies originating under similar conditions in different parts of the world have some common characteristics. Moreover, the information about turquoise appearing freshwater bodies in different parts of the world are present but are scattered into pieces. There is a great need felt for compilation of different turquoise appearing freshwater bodies in the world. In this paper, different turquoise appearing freshwater bodies throughout the world have been identified. The causal factor(s) responsible for such coloration is also discussed. Since, the turquoise appearing freshwater bodies originating in similar conditions in different parts of the world bears some common characteristics, so based on it, a categorisation of turquoise appearing freshwater bodies for the first time is proposed in this paper for a better understanding. The categorisation has been supported by examples.
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- Water Pollution
- Hydrology
- River Studies
- Water Resources
- Pollution
- Water Monitoring
- River Widening
- Hydrochemistry
- India
- Water Scientist
- Central Water Commission
- Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Govt. of India
- Water Regulation
- Ministry of Water Resources
- Pollution
- Lukha River
- Turquoise appearing freshwater bodies
- India