I work with a non profit working with women farmers, women artisans, women farm labourers focussing on agribased sustainable livelihood in Odisha, India. Recently we worked on #GIZ supported #sustainable aquaculture project in Odisha. What we found that farmers are running after profitability and dont hesitate to adopt the Andhra pradesh model for high productivity. But still there is a local demand in cities for local fish, live fish( compared to Andhra fish), although it sales at higher price. But the proper market value chain has not been developed for local fish, organic fish, live fish etc. The value chain need to be developed for organic fish( which need to be both economically and ecologically sustainable). GIZ and DSS( my nonprofit) tried it with 12 FFPOs and 3600 aqua farmers with scientific training, creating a cadre of trained CRPs for handholding the farmers, introduring farm Record Book, introducing EM( effective Microbes) which will drastically reduce the application of synthentic fish feed etc. This was an initiation. DSS is trying to go for PGS certification and create a proper value chain for health fish/ healthy food through these Fish Farmers FPCs. Refer- www.dssodisha.org