Networks November 2022
We are at the half-way point of Networks November - it is very timely as Water Resource Plans are launched; Leakage Routemap workshops are ongoing and we have have explored how to balance the trades offs; the latest research; what new to sector people think; dAsset Health; the leakage conundrum!  Still to come are thoughts on customer side leakage, CSOs and Stormwaters, At the end of the month, 29th November - we’ll all come together to set out a vision for the future and what are the game changing recommendations!
For Future Water, this is all about fthe 'future' bringing together the latest thinking, new ideas, a great presenters and participants. Networks November offers a month of engagement, new thinking and challenges the status quo!
Its year two of the initiative that sets out to challenge thinking on all things pipes & sewers! Exploring the latest policies, the latest research, the latest technology and latest ideas, the month will be holding up a mirror to what happens now.
This event is here to stay - make it part of your annual calendar! |
| The rest of the programme is:
18th November – Online session – Customer Side Leakage – what did we discuss at the workshop? What can we do differently and how realistic is supply pipe adoption? – Register here
23rd – 24th November – face-to-face sessions at FloodEx show exploring CSO’s and the future; flooding & Droughts, stormwater management and the drive to rapid water quality systems; SuDs and housing; Register here
29th November – face-to-face session (in London) bringing everyone together from across the month to hold a mirror up to how we manage networks, asking the daunting questions and set out what ‘game changers’ need to happen to make real change in the way networks are managed join us in London – register here |