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catchment area. The government offers 2% incentives to the societies, who pay the water tax within the stipulated time.
If the societies collect Rs.120/- per hectare from the farmers, then that society becomes eligible to get the special incentives of Rs.540/- per hectare from the Central Government and Rs.540/- from the State Government. Hence, the total incentive available per hectare is Rs.1080/- which is sanctioned by CADA (Command Area Development Authority). Thus collected total amount would be deposited in DCC Banks in a joint account of Societies' Secretary and Land Development Officers. The society's expenses would be covered with the interest earned by this deposit. CADA also pays the Society membership fees of the SC and ST farmers coming under the society. All these resources would help running and operations of the society. It also strengthens the co-operative attitude among the farmers.
For the success of the farmers' participation in the water distribution and the water management, the office bearers of the Water Users' Cooperative Societies have the higher responsibility. Societies have been empowered with the authority of the government and its officials. If the societies use this power diligently, then the co-operative movement in Water users association would be a great success in Karnataka.
