Rules of Engagement

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Rules of Engagement

Rules of Engagement

The Water Network is independent, sector focused, and predominantly self governed by its members.

It is a public, free network where anyone is welcome to join as long as they follow these rules of engagement.

All posts must be relevant to the water sector. All spam, in particular from social media content writers, that has nothing to do with knowledge sharing to professionals in the water sector will be deleted and the members posting it will be removed and banned.

We support a social concept of cooperation that encourages diversity of content, views from reputable parties, and avoids philosophical issues. The Network Administrators retain the right to delete any content and remove any member not adhering to these guidelines.

We are devoted to a policy of neutrality, security and reliability mirroring the culture of Switzerland, where we are headquartered.

There is a business exchange that is specifically purposed to post and promote products, services, job openings and tenders. All other areas of the site are for knowledge sharing NOT sales promotion. Promotional content posted outside the business exchange will be deleted. Case studies and content that provides value to the members may highlight the use of a particular product, technology, knowhow or service of a company. If shared in this context this kind of sharing is encouraged as a case study.

The role of The Water Network editors is to encourage respectful dialog, maintain quality of content, and encourage behavior in line with these rules of engagement. The Administration, including the Executive Committee and all editors, do not take an official stand on either side of a philosophical issue. 

Engagement in The Water Network is intended to uphold a high standard of professionalism. This means that, all individuals are requested to identify themselves with their real names, not synonyms, and to be transparent and accurate in representing who they are, in terms of their experience and expertise. All comments and engagement should be respectful of others, hateful aggressive comments will be deleted.

The source of all content uploaded to the Network is indicated and the member who uploads or modifies the content is always identified.

Last modified May 22, 2019

