This Tech Company Developed a Smart Solution to Reduce the Risk of Amoeba Contamination in Water

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This Tech Company Developed a Smart Solution to Reduce the Risk of Amoeba Contamination in Water

Scientists at Klir recently created a solution for deadly  amoeba that swim  in water.

Klir smart software platform to optimize water regulation management procedures while enhancing profitability. As of 2010 the software company brings a technology-based approach to water management and allows the industry to make compliance checking easier for both urban waste and drinking water.

“By bringing together all the data in a utility and proactively setting tasks for the operators, the time to act to reduce the risk of this amoeba getting into the system is greatly reduced”, says David Lynch, CEO at Klir for Grit Daily.

Cloud computing platform Microsoft Azure powers Klir’s system. The company has an in-house team that designs this cloud-based system to specifically meet the needs of the water industry. The system allows water utility plants and management systems to gather, monitor, and analyze regulatory compliance data into one web-based application.

Read the full story about Klir's cutting-edge amoeba-distinguish technology on Grit Daily.

