Trying to create an Organised Platform/Market for water vendors in Indian cities. Patent pending. Pilot Project is in Progress. We are looking for investors!
Published on by kumar Vedulla, HARIT SOLUTIONS - Managing Partner in Business
In most Indian cities morethan 20% of the people buy water on regular basis from the unorganised market comprising of numerous small vendors that door deliver 25 litre cans of potable water to customers. For many people the lack of a simple and quick way of contacting the vendors who can supply water at the best price is resulting in waste of time and money.
We saw an opportunity to build a software platform that would organise the market and solve this problem. As this project is very radical from what we do at HARIT SOLUTIONS (which is a Sustainability Consulting Firm) we created a new partnership firm by name TECH HUMA to carry forward this project and similar future projects. As a first step towards this specific project we chose to implement a pilot project in one Indian City (which is Hyderabad) using the most popular mobile operating system in that city (which is Android). It is already published on Google Play and here is the link
As of now this app works for Hyderabad / Secunderabad residents only. We are working on expanding the services of the App to other cities too. Whenever the customer wants to order water the mobile application will query the database based on customers preferences and then short list the vendors and display the vendor offering the cheapest price at the top of the list followed by the vendors with the next cheapest prices.
One of the main features of this application is its capability to short list the vendors based on detailed customer choices or preferences like whether the water needed is to be deliver in tankers or bottles, whether the water is ISO Certified or not, whether the water is for office or residence or others (i.e., wedding parties etc.,)
Another feature is its capability to send text message, in the form of SMS, to the vendor (in the short list) chosen by the customer.
Another feature is its capability to crowd source i.e., accept input from customers in the form of contact information of vendors that are currently not in the database of the application. This has the potential to greatly enrich the database and ultimately make it increasingly useful to the customers.
Please feel free to contact me at or for more information.