In a report published in 2013, the Asian Development Bank described Pakistan as one of the most "water-stressed" countries in the world, with a water availability of 1,000 cubic meters per person per year a fivefold drop since independence in 1947, and about the same level as drought-stricken Ethiopia.
Freshwater seems abundant, but when accounting for all the water on Earth, it's in limited supply. Just three percent of the water on our planet is fresh water. A majority of this water, about two percent of the world total, is contained in glaciers and ice sheets or stored below ground. The remaining one percent is found in lakes, rivers and wetland areas or transported through the atmosphere in the form of water vapor, clouds and precipitation. Rain and snowfall replenish freshwater sources, making it vital to know when, where and how much water is falling at any given time. We need to supports better governance approaches to adapt climate change and improved multi-Stakeholder collaboration and also we can be assured of most trustworthy partners at different levels need to act upon climate change and Water issues.
As a result, it requires policy makers, researchers, advocacy groups, development professionals and civil society groups to come together on one platform and build mutual awareness and understanding of the common water resource challenges, In this connection we can achieve Sustainable Development and all its three dimensions; the Social uplift, Economic Development and Environmental up Gradation .