You are cordially invited to join the Internship Program on "Development of indicator-based real-time pen stock condition monitoring system by t...

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You are cordially invited to join the Internship Program on "Development of indicator-based real-time pen stock condition monitoring system by t...
You are cordially invited to join the Internship Program on "Development of indicator-based real-time pen stock condition monitoring system by the application of GIS and Cognitive tools".

About the Project :
A penstock condition monitoring system is a crucial tool in hydroelectric power plants, assessing the health and performance of penstocks. It helps identify potential issues early, allowing for timely maintenance and repairs, minimizing downtime, and optimizing power generation. Implementing a penstock condition monitoring system improves safety, increases efficiency, and reduces costs. Data is collected from sensors on penstocks, which control water flow to turbines. Analyzing this data provides insights into penstock conditions, allowing operators to detect failures early. Factors like corrosion, erosion, and structural integrity affect penstocks' condition, influenced by external factors like water quality and environmental conditions. The study proposes a Single Indicator-based monitoring system, using Multi-Criteria Decision Making Techniques to approximate the weightage of each factor causing abnormality. A sensor network will monitor the three most significant parameters, and a predictive system will be installed for short-term predictions.

If you are interested you may visit to and opt for Internship Code No.EIS03.

Details can also be found at
