Tampa Plant Reduces Operating Costs with Online Process Analyzers

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Tampa Plant Reduces Operating Costs with Online Process Analyzers



Tampa AWTP improves its efficiency by installing online process analyzers to monitor and control nitrification and denitrification processes.


The Howard F. Curren Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant is Tampa's only wastewater treatment plant, so the volume and characteristics of the influent flowing into the plant vary constantly. This makes access to reliable realā€time information critical for optimal process control.

Years ago, plant managers recognized that attempting to operate the plant without data on real-time conditions was like trying to hit a target while blindfolded. Lack of timely information about nitrification and denitrification processes meant operators often had to make educated guesses about what adjustments were needed. They also needed to spend hours on testing, often one step behind any issues that arose.


To keep operators informed about nitrification and denitrification processes, plant management invested in...

