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Cooperative Thinking

Shri. Bsavaraj Talewad


Shri. Nandi Water Users Co-operative Society

At: Mudnal, Tal: Muddebihal Dist: Bijapur



ALBC Water Users Co-Operative Societies Co-ordination Committee


Mob: 9481574466

Cooperative movements are basically activities involved by non-governmental people. Cooperative movements are founded on the democratic principles "of the people, for the people and by the people".

The objectives of the cooperative movements are, "Every single person is for the entire society's development and entire society is for single individuals development." Because of this objective, the cooperative movement should be made a very strong peoples movements, which also helps the economic development of the country.

Today, there is NO field, where co-operative movement has NOT reached. It has virtually reached every segment and sector of society. We can even go to the extent that, co-operative movement has contributed has contributed in every aspect of our day-today life.

We are seeing that, many of the government plans and projects are implemented successfully through co-operative societies. This has enabled the continuous up-liftment of the poorest of the poor, especially scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and the downtrodden. Does it mean that, the co-operative movements are successful in every aspect of their objectives? NO...For the complete success of the co-operative movement, it is essential that, everybody including co-operative, government officials and non-government organisations have to participate and involve themselves dedicatedly.

It is true that, Mahatma Gandhi's opinion, "Co-operative movement is a big boon to India". However, it is essential strengthen the co-operative movement from all directions on a war-footing basis. Since, co-operative movement has a major role to play in the development of the India's economy, there a urgent need for this. Time has come for the people involved in the co-operative movements NOT ONLY look-out for their rights and also for their responsibilities.

Co-operative movement would be successful only when, people voluntarily involve themselves to form societies, bring-in share capital and deposits and successfully manage the co-operatives. Many a times, societies also need governmental support to implement some special projects. Then there should be absolute co-operation, trust, mutual support, dedication and good leadership among co-operatives, government officials and non-government entities.

To address the challenges and the developments of the co-operative societies, there has to be education, training, workshops and symposiums at very high levels. Since the co-operative movements run the democratic principles, there should NOT any interference either from the government or the government officials at any level. Hence there should be a suitable amendment in respective states Co-operative acts. Similarly, there should NOT any political affiliations in co-operative movements. There should be any difference of opinion among office bearers because of their political affiliations. This would harm the societies in particular and intern the people at large.

There should also be studies conducted to look into the challenges faced by the co-operative societies due to the financial aspects. It is very essential to prepare and implement the necessary guidelines to revive such co-operatives. This exercise is very important and essential for the success, growth and development of the co-operative movement.

The co-operative movements need very good leaders and team management. We have to focus more on the development of leadership qualities. Since, co-operatives are self-dependent, they have to focus on the development of their members without depending on the any government or non-government aides.

There should be high level symposiums to look into all these aspects. The deliberations of these symposiums should include exchange of ideas, addressing the challenges, implementation etc., only then, this would provide some solution to the challenges like disturbances, conflicts, hunger, unemployment etc...

