Irrigation Gets Smarter With Netro Cloud Based Watering Controller

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Irrigation Gets Smarter With Netro Cloud Based Watering Controller

Netro showed off their smart watering solution in Eureka Park at CES 2017. 


Netro launched the Sprite cloud based watering controller alongside The Whisperer, solar powered plant sensor earlier this year on Kickstarter. After reaching their funding goal the company took to CES’ startup showcase to show the hundreds of thousand attendees.

Have you ever set your irrigation system thinking it was going to be sunny and hot while you were out of town, just to find out it rained three days.

Typically that would end up with a mess of over watered grass.  It could be much worse if there was an unexpected drought.  Netro’s Sprit controller is wifi enabled and uses APIs from various weather services online to regulate watering based on real time forecast data. Right now it’s the only system that can do that.

The Sprite syncs up with The Whisperer plant sensors to keep track of how much water plants actually need, again in real time. Coupled together it’s a truly smart system for any homeowner.

Other features of the Netro system include:


Customized Irrigation Management (CIM):  Netro maximizes the usage of water to readily make it available to plants. CIM promotes deep root growth, reduces watering frequency and draws more oxygen into the roots, leading to a lusher landscape.

Run-Off Prevention (ROP):  Netro prevents runoffs in several ways. For example, it breaks long watering cycles into smaller ones to make water infiltrate the root zones.

Evapotranspiration Reduction (ETR):  Netro tries to water in the early morning when evaporation is minimal and water pressure higher. Netro minimizes watering in the middle of a day because the sun will evaporate water before it can soak into the soil.


Plants and Sprinkler Protection (PSP):  Netro safeguards your plants and your sprinkler system. Watering will automatically be disabled when temperatures are very high to protect your plants and eliminates night watering, frequently the cause of soggy lawns which attract disease. The winterization feature disables watering during cold temperatures entirely.

The Netro team dawned t-shirts that said “I Wet My Plants” while at CES. If you’re currently using an irrigation system than the Netro System is definitely worth a look.


