United Nations University - Seminar Topic for World Water Day 2014: The Water-Energy Nexus: From Global To Local
Published on by Kiran Pereira
On February 28, 2014
For the March 2014 Another Drop Seminar Series lecture, the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) is pleased to announce its next free, public lecture: Emma Quillerou,Michael Theodoulou, andDan McKinnonspeaking on the topic of Water and Energy!
Seminar Topic:
World Water Day 2014:
The Water-Energy Nexus: From Global To Local
Water purification requires energy and energy production requires water. Water andenergy are not only both closely interconnected and interdependent with choicesand actions in one domain positively or negatively affecting the other, but combinedtogether, they impact on sanitation and food production. As the "bottom billion"continue to urgently need access to water, electricity, sanitation and food, understandingthe interlinkages and synergies between water and energy to alleviate poverty shouldbe a priority. Water and energy is therefore the theme for this year's World Water Dayon March 22.This panel event will focus on the water-energy nexus and linkages to food securityand health issues. Panelists will draw from examples from across the world to illustratethese linkages such as the current development of a Ugandan strategy for wastewaterreuse and the City of Hamilton's biogas initiative to achieve zero-net-energy use.

Emma Quillerou

Michael Theodoulou
(Anaergia Inc.)

Dan McKinnon
(City of Hamilton)
Seminar Details
When?: Tuesday March 18th, 2014
Time?: 7:00pm
Where?: McMaster Innovation Park, 175 Longwood Road South,L8P 0A1
What Room?: Conference Room A&B (located near the Atrium)
Admission Cost?: Absolutely free ! Seating is limited, so please register your spot by emailingcontact.inweh@unu.edu.Refreshments will be served.
Parking?: On-site parking is available free of charge after 5pm.
Do I need to be an environmental scientist to attend the Another Drop Seminars?: No, UNU-INWEH's Another Drop Seminar Series was created as a means to help the general community understand key linkages/challenges on issues regardingwater, environment, and health.
Where can I learn more about the Another Drop Seminar Series?:
Visithttp://inweh.unu.edu/another-drop /for more information.