NEWS NOTES ON SUSTAINABLE WATER RESOURCES Tsunamis ; Tsunamis are ocean waves caused by large earthquakes and landslides that occur near or under the ocean. Scientists do not use the term "tidal wave" because these waves are not caused by tides. Tsunami waves are unlike typical ocean waves generated by wind and storms. When tsunamis approach shore, they behave like a very fast moving tide that extends far inland. A rule of thumb is that if you see the tsunami, it is too late to out run it. As with many natural phenomena, tsunamis can range in size from micro-tsunamis detectable only by sensitive instruments on the ocean floor to mega-tsunamis that can affect the coastlines of entire oceans, as with the Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004. This web site gives background information about how tsunamis occur and where to find data. There are summaries of geographic areas where significant tsunami activity has happened in the past, and under what conditions tsunamis might occur in the future. This site will also be linked on the 2018 Actions and Activities Page of the Sustainable Water Resources Site at "> ; Tim SmithSustainable Water Resources CoordinatorGovernment Web Site, Water Resources Site, "> ;