Lakes Can Breathe Again: Introducing MPC-NanoBubble at Aquatech 2019

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Lakes Can Breathe Again: Introducing MPC-NanoBubble at Aquatech 2019

It’s a monumental day for LG Sonic, as it expands from ultrasonic algae control to an algae management company. The latest technology, the MPC-NanoBubble, is an autonomous mobile platform that uses pure oxygen nanobubbles to increase dissolved oxygen levels in large water surfaces.

Anoxia occurs when water bodies are depleted of dissolved oxygen. In these conditions, fish can suffocate and die. Furthermore, there is a risk of potentially harmful components being released from the sediment, such as phosphorous, heavy metals or manganese. To increase oxygen levels in water bodies, LG Sonic introduced the MPC-NanoBubble.

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