Net-Works™as an effective program for recycling discarded fishing nets into carpet tile

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Net-Works™as an effective program for recycling discarded fishing nets into carpet tile

Net-Works™ is based on a collaboration with local communities and aims to reduce discarded fishing nets into the ocean and beaches by recycling them into carpet tile.

The project is established in central Philippines (Danajon Bank) and in Cameroon (Lake Ossa), both refuges of endangered and vulnerable aquatic species.

This innovative social and environmental project is lead by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL) in collaboration with Interface® and Aquafil® .

80.387 Tons of discarded fishing nets have been collected to create carpet thanks to this project in the Philippines.

For more information on this Net-Works™ program have a look at their website:

Discovered in " Mission Zero - Making products from waste ", presentation at the PolyTalk2016  "Zero Plastics to the Oceans" by Rob Boogaard, President and Chief Executive Officer, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Interface®

