11th Water Desalination Conference - Arwadex 2017 Cairo 18-19 April  This Conference is considered one of the most important internati...

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11th Water Desalination Conference - Arwadex 2017 Cairo 18-19 April  This Conference is considered one of the most important internati...
11th Water Desalination Conference - Arwadex 2017 Cairo 18-19 April  This Conference is considered one of the most important international conferences on desalination & the widest specialized regional gathering to discuss desalination researches, technologies, economies & sustainability. ARWADEX Conferences have contributed & will continue to contribute in introducing the privatesector to investment opportunities available in the desalination industry & studying the issues related to consulting & contracting activities in the desalination domain. With a view to grope the actual needs of the water desalination sectors in the Arab countries, and to have the largest possible number of authorities and official bodies, academic and research subscribe in the conference events through preparation for the axes of each session until identifying the professional discussion sessions, dialogues and workshops held within the conference programs, a number of actors in the industry has been invited to collectively form an advisory council for the conference organizers and the Scientific Committee to the use Council visuals in developing and coping technologies of the water desalination industry, as those council members contributes in mobilizing the audience of experts and specialists from their parts to participate in the conference sessions to enrich the discussions and invest the exchange of experiences. The Council’s list for this 2017 cycle includes the following parties: Saline water Conversion Corporation Saline Water Desalination Research Institute Desalination Division - Saudi council of Engineers

