DR. PETER CHOW: Biosolids the ‘Orwellian PR euphemism’ used by sewage sludge industryBiosolids is the Orwellian PR euphemism used by the sew...

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DR. PETER CHOW: Biosolids the ‘Orwellian PR euphemism’ used by sewage sludge industryBiosolids is the Orwellian PR euphemism used by the sew...
DR. PETER CHOW: Biosolids the ‘Orwellian PR euphemism’ used by sewage sludge industry
Biosolids is the Orwellian PR euphemism used by the sewage sludge industry.

This foul black sludge is then simply dehydrated and pelletized to create sewage biosolid fertilizer.

For decades, farmers across North America have been encouraged by government to spread sewage biosolid fertilizer on millions of acres of farmland.

Sludge fertilizer has benefits, containing plant nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

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It helps reduce the use of fertilizers made from fossil fuels. It cuts down on millions of tons of sludge that would otherwise be incinerated, releasing climate-change emissions (CO2, SOx, NOx, and N2O), or would go to landfills, generating greenhouse gases (methane) as it decomposes.

Farmers use more than two million tons of sewage biosolid fertilizer annually on over 90 million acres, a quarter of all U.S. farmland.

Canadian farmers use over 600,000 tons on their fields each year.

It is also applied to landscaping, golf courses and forest land and to fill up old mines.

Yet all of the toxic chemistry that industrial civilization produces is in that sewage.

The 1972 Clean Water Act required industry to start sending their wastewater to treatment plants instead of releasing it into rivers and streams, which was a win for the environment but also produced vast new quantities of sludge that had to go somewhere.

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