BE A PART OF #NEXTBIGTHING! Please share this information through your networks:  The Toilet Board Coalition is open for applications&...

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BE A PART OF #NEXTBIGTHING! Please share this information through your networks:  The Toilet Board Coalition is open for applications&...
BE A PART OF #NEXTBIGTHING! Please share this information through your networks:  The Toilet Board Coalition is open for applications  for its 2018 Accelerator Programme! The Toilet Board Coalition brings together experts from business, investment, and the global sanitation community through our platform to cross-fertilise experiences, innovate at all levels, and catalyse the growth of profitable sanitation businesses that deliver sanitation to all. The Toilet Accelerator is a corporate accelerator programme to facilitate private sector engagement and mentorship to sanitation businesses and entrepreneurs serving low-income markets. For more information on the Toilet Board Coalition, visit the  website . If you are a business delivering sanitation solutions to people in lack of access, whether working in toilet innovations & service models, circular economy waste management models, mobile, digital or e-health applications - please apply! You can fill out a questionnaire at the following link.  Call for applications is open until 30th April 2017 .  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us by contacting Claire Balbo: ; #WeCantWait to know about your business!!

