"A game-changer for water use efficiency in irrigation management"

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With a changing climate and a growing population creating a ‘perfect storm’ for world food supplies, there is currently intense focus on how to feed more people with less resources. Water scarcity being one of the biggest concerns, and more efficient water use is at the forefront of one of the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals – Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, which states: “Water scarcity is projected to increase with the rise of global temperatures as a result of climate change. More international cooperation is needed to encourage water efficiency and support treatment technologies in developing countries.”

The key to this is improving not only access to water, but doing much more with existing water through better Water Use Efficiency. Water supply is just one half of the problem – just as imperative is ensuring this moisture stays in the soil long enough for plants to take advantage of it.

Read the full article in the link below.
