Blue Plaque for early water engineer
Published on by Paul Sharratt, Pick Everard - Senior Engineer in Social
Derby Civic Society has recently unveiled a Blue Plaque at the Silk Mill Museum to commemorate the work of local water engineering pioneers George Sorocold and John Lombe.
Sorocold has been referred to as the first Civil Engineer in Britain and was responsible for a surprising range of hydraulic engineering works throughout the country in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. His works included water supply schemes based on water powered pumps, river navigation works, mining water management projects and was responsible for the first of Liverpool's Dock. He also designed the machinery for the original Derby Silk Mills, the first factory in the world. John Lombe and his brother Thomas were responsible for the development and later success of the Silk Mill based on principles believed to have been brought into the country from Italy.
It is interesting to note that some three hundred years after Sorocold and Lombe Derby City Council is at present developing a hydro power station near to the Silk Mill to harness the power of the River Derwent.
Are there other examples of modern practice following historical sites?