Saving today means water tomorrow | Texas Water Newsroom
Published on by Texas Water Development Board in Government

Outdoor watering guidelines and conservation efforts are becoming more common as communities across Texas plan ahead for their water supplies.
Only water on Tuesdays and Fridays. Even numbered residential addresses may water on Mondays and Wednesdays; odd numbers on Thursdays and Sundays. Water only between the hours of midnight and 7 a.m. Watering is not permitted between the hours of 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.
If outdoor watering guidelines like these sound familiar, it’s because they’re becoming more common as communities across Texas are thinking ahead about their water supplies.
The 2017 State Water Plan estimates the state’s population will increase more than 70 percent by the year 2070. With that population gain comes a higher demand on water. But what won’t be increasing? Texas’ existing water supplies—those that can be relied on in the event of drought.
Fortunately, the state plans ahead for this growth by identifying strategies to provide additional water supplies to meet water needs in the next 50 years. Conservation is by far the most frequently recommended strategy by regional water planning groups, the backbone of the state water planning process. It’s a way to stretch the water supplies that we currently have, and it’s also the cheapest solution to ensure communities have enough water.
“It’s a very popular strategy among cities and water utilities,” said Kevin Kluge, Director of Conservation and Innovative Water Technologies at the Texas Water Development Board. “It demonstrates that a city is interested in how their water is being used and being cognizant of how they can use water more efficiently.”
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