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Application Brief: Tres Rios Water Reclamation Facility Effectively Monitors THM Values With Real-time Online THM Analyzer

The Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department in Arizona is using an online trihalomethane (THM) analyzer to continuously, accurately and reliability monitor THM values in real-time at its Tres Rios Wastewater Reclamation Facility.

In December 2013, the upgraded Tres Rios Water Reclamation Facility was brought online. A five-stage Bardenpho process was used for ammonia, nitrate and nitrite reduction. However, reduced levels of effluent ammonia and the use of chlorine disinfectant increased Total THM formation potential in the discharged effluent. As a result, operations experimented with adding centrate as an ammonia source prior to chlorination to make chloramines because the disinfectant produces lower levels of THMs than chlorine.

The online THM-100™ analyzer, manufactured by Aqua Metrology Systems(AMS), was used to characterize and monitor THM formation because of this process change.

The self-calibrating online THM analyzer provided the operational staff with immediate and accurate daily reports on THM levels in the effluent. By monitoring the real-time formation of THMs, following the addition of ammonia, operations were better equipped to control its production and implement process optimization techniques accordingly.

Following the successful demonstration of the online THM monitor, the THM-100™ instrument was placed into full-scale use at the Tres Rios Water Reclamation Facility.


