Can this technology be an answer to farmland water use in the West?

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Can this technology be an answer to farmland water use in the West?

“I had to do something or I would have gone out of business, so I had to do this,” Magnuson said.

He opened the door to where all the magic takes place and introduced us to Hydrogreen nutrition technology.

In this 75-foot by 40-foot structure, there are three towers with multiple trays that produce 9,000 pounds of feedstock per day.

There is seed at the bottom that grows into forage that is mixed with straw to reduce its protein content. It consumes less than one-tenth of the water used in traditional hay fields, and this operation replaces the land and water of what a 450-acre hay field demands. And it can do it 365 days a year.

It is a five to six-day growth cycle from start to finish, and the out-the-door costs are $65 per ton of feed compared to more than $300 per ton of hay.

