Modelling of Lithology and Hydraulic Conductivity of Shallow Sediments from Resistivity Measurements

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Modelling of Lithology and Hydraulic Conductivity of Shallow Sediments from Resistivity Measurements

Modelling of Lithology and Hydraulic Conductivity of Shallow Sediments from Resistivity Measurements Using Schlumberger Vertical Electric Soundings


Modeling of lithology and hydraulic conductivity of shallow sediments from resistivity measurements, using Schlumberger vertical electric soundings. Energy Sources, 23(7) August-September: 599-618. ABSTRACT: The vertical electric soundings (VES) technique has been effectivily used for several purposes related to investigations of surface soils and shallow sediments. These include detection of subsurface lithology, structures, stratifcation, and dipping layers; evaluation of physical properties that govern fuid fow and electric-current conduction; delineation of aquifers; assessment of engineering-site properties (such as pore-water saturation and clay content); and mapping various environmental problems (such as saline-water intrusion, groundwater contamination, and leachate transport through porous media). In this study, Schlumberger VES-measurements, along with borehole and experimental data, were employed to image laminations, layering, and lithology of surface soils and subsurface aeration and saturated zones of glacial sediments; and to model the electric resistivity and hydraulic conductivity variations with depth and lithology. It is shown that the VES-technique can provide a substantial improvement in the resolution of thin laminations within thick layers and can also provide a good assessment of the hydraulic conductivity, water flux, and water movement. Numerous references, dealing with a wide range of VES-applications for several purposes, were reviewed and cited in this study.
(PDF) Modelling of Lithology and Hydraulic Conductivity of Shallow Sediments from Resistivity Measurements Using Schlumberger Vertical Electric Soundings . Available from:
[accessed Sep 10 2018].





