Royal HaskoningDHV recognized with Water Technology Company of the Year award

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Royal HaskoningDHV recognized with Water Technology Company of the Year award

Royal HaskoningDHV has been announced as winner of the 2020 Global Water Awards for ‘Water Technology Company of the Year’ for its significant contribution to sector innovation.

Organized by Global Water Intelligence (GWI), leading publisher and event organizer in the water sector, this prestigious award is presented to the company that made the most significant contribution to the field of water and digital technology.

Tom Scotney, Editor from GWI mentioned in a press release that in 2019 Royal HaskoningDHV took giant strides in the transition to the circular economy as it led the way in resource recovery. It initiated the first large-scale production unit for its ground-breaking biopolymer product Kaumera Nereda® Gum, while the firm scored impressive results with a new sludge digestion technology Ephyra®, its Aquasuite software and digital twin solutions.

Niels Schallenberg, Royal HaskoningDHV’s Global Director Water commented on the award and said that water and digital technology are at the heart of everything they do, so it is a huge honor to be recognized for their commitment to the sector. They work closely with key partners across the globe and through their ongoing innovations they aim to achieve their vision for water through water reuse, resource recovery, energy gain, all virtually operated. Ultimately, helping them to enhance society together.

Following the award-winning Nereda® technology for wastewater treatment, Royal HaskoningDHV’s innovations in water and digital technology in 2019 centered around the development of biopolymer product Kaumera Nereda Gum, Ephyra sludge digestion system and its Aquasuite software to virtually operate water plants. All these innovations can integrate seamlessly to work together to the benefit of the water companies.

Earlier this year, Royal HaskoningDHV’s Nereda technology was recognized by GWI as the ‘breakthrough technology of the decade’. Despite the challenges of the global pandemic, the team responsible for this technology has responded to demand by developing and launching a standardized range of Nereda Package and Mini Plants, which fill the gap for small WWTPs serving populations up to 10,000.

