UV Treatment: How to Choose a UV System for Water Reuse in Your Facility

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UV Treatment: How to Choose a UV System for Water Reuse in Your Facility

Water reuse is, and will continue to be one of the biggest considerations for companies all over the world in the battle against water scarcity. By reusing process water, grey water, and wastewater, buildings and facilities will reduce their demand for raw water from surface and groundwater sources and reducing the associated costs of supplying raw water and treating raw water before use. One of the disinfection methods to treat this water is using a UV treatment for water reuse applications.

Reusing water can be more difficult in certain applications, namely those that demand water that is free of microbes like bacteria. Treatment to such a level typically demands a tertiary treatment stage. This treatment would be accomplished by way of disinfection, essentially killing any harmful pathogenic organisms by rupturing their cell wall or destroying proteins or mutating DNA to prevent them from proper functioning and reproducing.

Disinfection by ultraviolet radiation has been growing in popularity over the past several decades for its lack of chemical additives and compact sizing, making it an excellent choice for integration into pre-existing systems.

You may be wondering how a UV treatment system for a water reuse application is designed.

Therefore, this article will touch on key aspects of design characteristics of a UV treatment system and why one design may be more efficient for a particular application.

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