Earthquakes and Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in Regard to Palestine

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Nine earthquakes hit the Levant region during the last few days with measurements of 3.5 - 4.5 on the Richter Scale. Their centers of is the region of Tiberias Lake (Sea of Galilee) and the surrounding areas in Palestine. They were felt by the people living in the north. For more information about the seismic situation (earthquake activity) in the region, click on the following link and then click (See Full Text) regarding a lecture (in English) given by Prof. Dr. Hilmi Suleiman Salem

تسعة زلازل ضربت منطقة بلاد الشام خلال الايام القليلة الاخيرة 3.5 - 4.5 لـ مقياس ريختر - مركزها منطقة طبريا و حولها في فلسطين - شعر بها اهالي الشمال. عن مح عن عن اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط اضغط حلمي سليمان سالم