"The Wizard of Aquilon," a new enviromagic show from Cyril the Sorcerer, asks the vital question "who owns a river?" https://mailchi.mp/14142730...

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"The Wizard of Aquilon," a new enviromagic show from Cyril the Sorcerer, asks the vital question "who owns a river?" https://mailchi.mp/14142730...
"The Wizard of Aquilon," a new enviromagic show from Cyril the Sorcerer, asks the vital question "who owns a river?" https://mailchi.mp/14142730ba4c/wine-wizardry-15120046?fbclid=IwAR30EISdnuSOUcxiPDxh_Ie1lRShXNnTRQEmKWpwFQ-F5aHieihVcA4CwwE #watereducation #rivers #enviromagic #enviromagician #cyrilthesorcerer #wizardofaquilon

