4KET4Reuse  is an EU-funded project supported by Interreg SUDOE Programme . This project aims at to develop innovative technologies (KETs) ...

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4KET4Reuse  is an EU-funded project supported by Interreg SUDOE Programme . This project aims at to develop innovative technologies (KETs) ...
4KET4Reuse  is an EU-funded project supported by Interreg SUDOE Programme . This project aims at to develop innovative technologies (KETs) to eliminate effluent ECs from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and thus ensure the safe reuse of these waters. Although the international guidelines or recommendations on reuse do not consider these ECs implicitly (due to the actual lack of knowledge of their levels in the environment and harmful effects), the demand for high quality water for increasingly precise uses in industry or for the society, require the development of treatment technologies that can remove this type of contaminants. For more information about the aforementioned project, please refer yourself to its official website: https://en.4ket4reuse.eu/

