That would NOT increase the COST of wastewater treatment - propose to do the following: - change the principle of operation of wastewater treatm...

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That would NOT increase the COST of wastewater treatment - propose to do the following: - change the principle of operation of wastewater treatm...
That would NOT increase the COST of wastewater treatment - propose to do the following: - change the principle of operation of wastewater treatment, and more precisely its cleaning technology. Because this technology is taken by analogy with the human body. IT only moved in the equipment and adapted for cleaning. In this process we very poorly manage. Therefore, it is necessary to change the technology, using physical methods by which a person can manage. Even better, if these processes will be six or eight, which will give the opportunity to clean ANY TYPES of wastewater to decontaminate it, leading up to a technical condition, suitable for irrigation, in conditions of growing population in the metropolis takes on a new meaning. - Stop drop conventionally treated wastewater into the sea. Technology allows you to bring the effluent up options suitable for irrigation - You get a TRIPLE benefit : - will be able to sell water for irrigation, reduce pollution of the coastal part of the sea, - increase productivity of agricultural crops ( by 20 - 25%), - REDUCE the COST of WASTEWATER treatment, will receive additional income for what YOU originally sought. Plus - YOU can SAVE on consumption of electric energy, because the equipment consumes FOUR times less electric energy. ( For biological technology, on average, think about 3 kW for cleaning of 1 m3. In our technology - 0. 7 kW/m3. So consider the SAVINGS !!! 1 million population - wastewater 200 000 m3 200 000 x 3 kW = 600 000 kW. In our technology - 200 000 x 0.7 = 140 000 kW . 600 000 - 140 000 kW = 460 000 kW/ day !!! to 1 million population. You can calculate the month and year of consumption, I think these figures will make You think) The more it becomes interesting, when the occupied area under the equipment is REDUCED FIVE TIMES !!! The second thing to do is to reduce the cost of obtaining drinking water. Developed technology for producing drinking water from sea water or saline without the use of REVERSE OSMOSIS allows you to get fresh drinking water to 85% of the original. The cost of desalination on the ORDER of magnitude LOWER than traditional technology and is not more than 0.05 USD per 1 m3. The cost of electric power is 0.5 kW per 1 m3 of drinking water. That is NOT ACHIEVABLE by ANY TECHNOLOGY IN the WORLD !!! Selecting convenient option for YOU - YOU will not only reduce the cost of desalination, but also receive many additional bonuses, in the form of irrigation, saving electric power, reducing space, improving the ecology, extra food. If You have any questions I will be glad to answer You. With respect to You. Sergei Tyumentsev. ;
