Industrial effluents, sewage, sullage streams are to be found everywhere on this Earth and it is classified as a trouble some pollution for the ...

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Industrial effluents, sewage, sullage streams are to be found everywhere on this Earth and it is classified as a trouble some pollution for the ...
Industrial effluents, sewage, sullage streams are to be found everywhere on this Earth and it is classified as a trouble some pollution for the people as well as the environment. but, it has been found to be a panacea for plants. Making it a panacea is a method from Vedas. We have decoded this about 15 years back and have been providing results for plant diseases which are said to be incurable under the present theory and the experts. This methodology cannot be understood under the existing theory / assumptions. While working with this product in a small scale in various parts of Bharat, we have also reduced the foul smell of this product and made it zero. This effluent of sewage, toxic industrial effluents is called Vrishabhavati Jalam in Bengaluru. We have done this here. With this huge problem and with such a useful resource with us, we found it to be a good opportunity for Bharat to prove as a world leader in solving this problem of so called pollution as well as solve the so called incurable problems of plants. This method will earn for Bharat a lot of foreign exchange to the country as well reduce the imports of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. This will automatically make the agriculture transition from chemical to organic. The whole planet Earth with its humans and the animals will have toxic residue free food with naturally balanced mix of macro and micro nutrients. The present fertiliser/pesticide companies can be re-engineered/structured to produce the useful product GURUVANI from these cocktail mix of sewage, toxic industrial effluents. Mosquito problem gets solved automatically. Even mosquito repellant can be prepared from such toxic cocktails. This is the bright future for industrial effluent toxicity and sewage wastes which is just unbelievable for any one. Sri Santhanam is one among the first to see the bright future of these toxic effluents and all the so called pollution, pollutants including solid wastes can be solved in one go. Swami Valmiki is ready to demonstrate the effectiveness of his technology.
