Earthlings polluting the water table everyday MUST STOP!! 24/7 public hears about alternative energy NEVER about alternative human fecal disposa...

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Earthlings polluting the water table everyday MUST STOP!! 24/7 public hears about alternative energy NEVER about alternative human fecal disposa...
Earthlings polluting the water table everyday MUST STOP!! 24/7 public hears about alternative energy NEVER about alternative human fecal disposal?? We can live in space without a central sewage plant but cannot do the same on Earth? Ludicrous! For less than the Billions of dollars spent for sewage plants, pipes that burst regularly spilling fecal into the water table homes could be retrofitted and each compost toilet maintained by the County / City for far less and the by product is used in your garden or soil to replenish the nutrients. Saving planet Earth is easy it just takes an effort. Old man talking my 2 cents. saving planet Earth one home one toilet at a time.

