The Water Network is composed of companies worldwide and I feel it is one of the three technologies that a country needs to sustain independence...

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The Water Network is composed of companies worldwide and I feel it is one of the three technologies that a country needs to sustain independence. The other two technologies that are necessary to sustain independence are food and energy. Food, Water and Energy are the most important technologies for any country to survive on its own, otherwise a country must depend on others for mere survival.
Technology changes constantly in almost every area of business that can provide prosperity through their product development, but without the essentials of Food, Water and Energy, the people cannot be productive when they have to depend on other countries to provide these resources to them at such a high premium.
So all those who are affiliated with the Water Network, I congtulate and salute you for your efforts to provide the service yo do on a global basis. It is your work and dedication that makes a large contribution to the safety and well being of all people across the globe, because the three most important resource a country can have are indeed, Energy, Water and Food.
It is pure pleasure to be an affiliate with The Water Network. I wish all companies success beyond imagination.
Ron McIntyre--CEO, IPS INC
Semper Fi